- Friends Kill Joy TogetherMy amazing colleague made me this awesome feminist needlepoint: It references Sara Ahmed’s concept of the feminist killjoy, which you can read more about on her blog or in her book, Living a Feminist Life (Duke University Press, 2017). In short, the feminist killjoy kills joy by refusing to remain silent about sexism, racism, heterosexism,… Read more: Friends Kill Joy Together
- Special Issue of Feminist Formations on the Erotics of AsexualitiesElzbieta Przybylo and I guest edited an issue of Feminist Formations on The Erotics of Asexualities and Nonsexualities. It is now available in print and online at: https://muse.jhu.edu/issue/43630. The issue includes articles by Theresa Kenney, Anna Kurowicka, Justin Smith, Day Wong and Xu Guo, Min Joo Lee, Nathan Snaza, and Casey Ryan Kelly and Chase… Read more: Special Issue of Feminist Formations on the Erotics of Asexualities
- 3-D Printed ClitorisJust wanted to share this image of a 3-D printed clitoris that I printed at the Wakerspace: The file to print your own can be found here. It was created and made available for free by French independent researcher Odile Fillod. I think Fillod’s project is a wonderful example of feminist science studies and diy… Read more: 3-D Printed Clitoris
- Tenure and Promotion!I am happy to announce that I was granted tenure and promoted to Associate Professor of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies last summer. My wonderful colleagues threw me a lovely socially-distanced celebration! Thanks to everyone who supported me during this process.
- Forthcoming: Medical EntanglementsI am happy to announce that my book, Medical Entanglements: Rethinking Debates about Healthcare, is forthcoming with Rutgers University Press!
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