Elzbieta Przybylo and I guest edited an issue of Feminist Formations on The Erotics of Asexualities and Nonsexualities. It is now available in print and online at: https://muse.jhu.edu/issue/43630. The issue includes articles by Theresa Kenney, Anna Kurowicka, Justin Smith, Day Wong and Xu Guo, Min Joo Lee, Nathan Snaza, and Casey Ryan Kelly and Chase Aunspach; as well as poetry by Cameron Awkward-Rich, Juan Miera, Sav Schlauderaff, Jo Teut, and Rebecca Ruth Gould; a book review by Sam Kizer; and cover art by Alex Farquhar. Thank you to the editorial team at Feminist Formations including Patti Duncan and Andrés López and to all the peer reviewers.

Front Cover: “Wood and Fish”
Clip Studio Paint
18″ by 24″
Alex is an agender artist from Victoria BC. Alex goes by they and he, and makes art revolving around themes of asexuality and feelings of hope, wonder and alienation. You can follow them on twitter @AgentBoss to see what work they are making next.